Zimbabwe Agricultural Show
26 August - 31 August 2024
Zimbabwe Agricultural Society
The ZAS contributes to agricultural development through the medium of conferences, discussions, education and training.
Agricultural Development Discussions
ZAS organizes the discussions which focus on pertinent national agricultural issues. Previous discussions have focused on climate smart agriculture, small grains, Revitalizing the cotton sector, potato production and marketing challenges. Maize value chain strengthening as well as financing agricultural value chains. Our News and Publications section contains highlights from these discussions.
Annual National Agribusiness Conference
The Annual National Agribusiness Conference (ANAC) organised jointly with the National Economic Consultative Forum (NECF), seeks to exhaustively discuss, synthesize and distill pragmatic and relevant ideas from the ZAS annual theme for immediate implementation during the forthcoming summer season.
Once completed, please send all forms to marketing1@zas.co.zw
Physical address:
Samora Machel Avenue West -Harare Zimbabwe
Postal address:
PO Box 442 -Harare Zimbabwe
Phone: (+263-024) 780963-6
Email: info@zas.co.zw